• MPF 125, MPF 35, MPF Government, MPF Government MBS, MPF Original, MPF Xtra
  • May 6, 2021

MPF Marketing Bulletin 2021-10

New Warning Message on eMAQCS®plus

Effective Date: May 5, 2021

Effective immediately, eMAQCSplus will begin to display a warning message upon an incomplete Delinquent Mortgage & Bankruptcy Status Report (Exhibit B) file submission.

The warning message will help identify missing required field(s). Required fields must be provided by the PFI/Servicer when submitting Exhibit B to eMAQCSplus. Action Codes and Data provided on Exhibit B help identify what actions have or have not occurred.

Prior to the reporting deadline, PFIs/Servicers will have the opportunity to re-submit a revised Exhibit B file with correct data fields, replacing the initial file.

There are no changes to the existing required fields or file format. The warning message will help ensure a successful Exhibit B submission.

As a reminder, loans that are 30 days or more delinquent as of the last day of the preceding month and any loan in active Bankruptcy regardless of current status must be reported via eMAQCSplus monthly using the format in the Exhibit B: Delinquent Mortgage & Bankruptcy Status Report – Excel Template

Example of warning message:
Warning Message Example

Additional Resources:


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