MPF Announcement 2018-24
The MPF Program Reminds PFIs of Upcoming Changes for Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD) Submission
Effective Date: June 25, 2018
For all MPF Xtra loans with a Note Date on or after September 25, 2017, PFIs are expected to submit the UCD XML file with embedded pdf of the Closing Disclosure to Fannie Mae prior to delivery of the loan. Currently, eMPF uses the Note Date to determine whether the loan should have a corresponding UCD file, checks for a successful UCD XML file submission and embedded pdf of the Closing Disclosure, and issues a “warning” edit if the data or embedded pdf is not provided.
Effective June 25, 2018, the “warning” edits currently being issued for UCD file submission will switch to a fatal severity and UCD files submitted to Fannie Mae without the embedded Closing Disclosure (Borrower only) will also receive a fatal edit and will not be accepted. As a reminder, the Seller Closing Disclosure will no longer be required.
Because any “warning” edit can become fatal, PFIs should be actively submitting UCD files prior to delivery of all MPF Xtra loans and working through any warning edits received. PFIs that are unable to successfully submit UCD files to the FNMA UCD Collection Solution Application on or after June 25, 2018, will not be able to fund MPF Xtra loans.
For more information regarding the UCD Submission requirements, please refer to MPF Announcements 2017-09, 2017-28, 2017-42 and 2017-53. For more information on the UCD initiative, please visit the “Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD) Resources” section of the MPF Program website under the Education tab.
If you need assistance, please contact the MPF Service Center at 877-345-2673.
Fannie Mae Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD)
- References:
- MPF Announcement 2018-24