• MPF 125, MPF 35, MPF Government MBS, MPF Original, MPF Xtra
  • January 31, 2024

MPF Program Announcements 2024-S02

MPF Program Announcements 

Date: January 31, 2024

This document contains multiple MPF Program Announcements being published on this date. 

PFIs and Servicers must refer to the actual MPF Announcement for the specific requirements and guidance.

 MPF Announcement 2024-09: MPF Program – Repurchase Requirements

Incorporated a list of mortgage loan requirements that must be met, failure to meet the requirements will be subject to a mandatory repurchase.

 MPF Announcement 2024-10: MPF Program – Privacy and Data Protection Updates

Clarified that PFIs and Servicers must continually maintain and protect customer data following the termination of their rights.

Upcoming Webinars

Thursday, February 8th – What’s Trending in MPF Program Quality Control?

 Have you ever wondered what kind of exceptions the MPF® Quality Control department sees on both a regular and not so regular basis? In this presentation, we will offer insight into some recent and on-going situations encountered by the MPF QC Department. Current examples will be provided along with guidance on how to prevent these exceptions from happening in the future. In addition to covering QC exception trends, the MPF Program requirements for a successful in-house QC review program will be included, along with ideas to improve overall file quality.

 Wednesday, February 14thThe Document Release Process for MPF Traditional and MPF Xtra Products

 The MPF Program custodian is responsible for holding loan documents and the timely release of those documents once a loan has been paid off or liquidated. This webinar will cover the process for requesting documents back from the custodian along with the set timeframes that are required for returning those documents. The Request for Release of Documents (Form SG340) will be covered along with information on how to retrieve loan level data and Fannie Mae loan numbers through the eMPF website.

 Please visit the following links to register for upcoming webinars and view our on-demand webinar library.

*All webinars begin at 1 p.m. CT


  • PFIs and Servicers are required to complete Forms OG1 and OG2 as part of the Annual Eligibility Certification (AEC) process. Forms OG1 and OG2 are now available on the eMPF website and are due by January 31, 2024. Please refer to MPF Announcement 2023-99 for additional details.

Contact Us

MPF Service Center

(877) 345-2673