• MPF Xtra
  • January 25, 2023

MPF Announcement 2023-07

MPF Xtra Document Release Request Update

Effective Date: February 1, 2023

To ensure compliance with investor requirements, effective February 1, 2023, all MPF Xtra document release requests for loans that have already been funded by the MPF Program must include Fannie Mae loan numbers on the Request for Release of Documents (Form SG340).

The MPF Program Custodian will reject any MPF Xtra document release requests (Form SG340) for funded loans that do not include the Fannie Mae loan number received on or after February 1, 2023.

Please note, the Fannie Mae loan number is only required on the Form SG340 for MPF Xtra loans that have already been funded by the MPF Program and for which PFIs have received a Transaction Confirmation and Loan Funding Activity Report. PFIs who request the release of documents during the pre-funding certification process do not need to include the Fannie Mae loan number on the Form SG340.

To assist PFIs with this requirement, the MPF Program is introducing a functionality to retrieve Fannie Mae loan numbers accessible via the eMPF® website. 

Fannie Mae Loan Number Retrieval Functionality

To access this new functionality, eMPF users must select the Upload link on eMPF’s homepage and select the Fannie Mae Loan Numbers link. eMPF users will then be directed to the Fannie Mae Loan Number screen where the Fannie Mae loan number can be retrieved using one of the following methods:

  • by entering the MPF Loan Number(s) OR PFI Loan Number(s) associated with the loan at the time funding
    • multiple loans must be separated by a comma
  • by uploading a Microsoft Excel file with a list of the MPF Loan Numbers OR PFI Loan Numbers associated with the loan at the time funding,
    • the file must contain LoanNumber in the cell A1

If you do not have access to either the MPF Loan Number or PFI Loan Number provided at the time of loan funding please contact the MPF Service Center at 877-345-2673.

All active eMPF users associated with a PFI/Servicer number will have access to the new Fannie Mae Loan Number Retrieval functionality. To ensure the appropriate contacts have access, PFIs should update contacts as active eMPF users accordingly.

Updates to Form SG340: Request for Release of Documents

As a reminder, PFIs must use Form SG340: Request for Release of Documents to request the release of documents held by the MPF Program Custodian. This form has been updated to include a field for the Fannie Mae loan number. If the request is for multiple loans, PFIs may attach the list provided from the Fannie Mae Loan Number functionality or a separate sheet with the list of all Fannie Mae loan numbers associated with the request.

Job Aid

Enclosed is a job aid providing additional guidance and instructions related to the Fannie Mae Loan Number Retrieval functionality from the eMPF website.

Please contact the MPF Service Center with any questions or concerns via phone (877-345-2673) and/or email (MPF-Help@fhlbc.com).

Job Aid: Fannie Mae Loan Number Retrieval Functionality

1. Select the UPLOAD link from the eMPF homepage:

2. Select the Fannie Mae Loan Numbers link:

3. The Retrieve Fannie Mae Loan Number(s) Screen provides two methods to retrieve Fannie Mae Loan Numbers by either data entry or file upload:

The text box is used to enter MPF Loan Number(s) OR PFI Loan Number(s); multiple loans must be separated by a comma. To submit the data, select the RETRIEVE button.

Browse functionality is used to select an Excel file (.xls or .xlsx).  The file must contain LoanNumber in cell A1.  Loan number data in the upload can either be the MPF Loan Number or the PFI Loan Number associated with the loan at the time of funding.  After selecting the file, the user will select RETRIEVE.

4. If the process completes successfully, the system will return the following screen:

Once successfully complete, the system will produce a FNMA Loan Number Output File .xlsx worksheet. The worksheet will contain two tabs:  FNMALoanNumberData and FNMALoanNumberErrors.

a. The FNMALoanNumberData tab displays a list of Fannie Mae loan numbers identified in the MPF system:

b. The FNMALoanNumberErrors displays a list of Fannie Mae loan number errors:

c. PFIs may receive the following error messages:


5. If the process is not successful, the system will return the following screen and will specify the reason why the system could not complete processing:


6. To remove an .xls or .xlsx file after it has been selected for import, select the X



Contact Us

MPF Service Center

(877) 345-2673