MPF Announcement 2025-09
Updated Newrez Whole Loan Servicing Transfer Manual for MPF Xtra and Traditional
Effective Date: Immediately (unless otherwise noted within)
The MPF Program Exhibit W-X: Newrez Whole Loan Servicing Transfer Manual for MPF Xtra has been updated as follows:
- Section 3.3 Purchase by the MPF Provider: Minor updates to the verbiage to reflect the current funding requirements.
Both of the Servicing Manuals have updated the Borrower Payment address as follows:
Newrez LLC
PO Box 60535
City of Industry, CA 91716-0535
See Exhibit W: Newrez Whole Loan Servicing Transfer Manual for MPF Traditional
See Exhibit W-X: Newrez Whole Loan Servicing Transfer Manual for MPF Xtra
Please contact the MPF Service Center with any questions or concerns via email at or by calling (877-FHLB-MPF).
- References:
- MPF Announcement 2025-09