• MPF 125, MPF 35, MPF Government, MPF Government MBS, MPF Original, MPF Xtra
  • August 9, 2022

MPF Marketing Bulletin 2022-07

New MPF Program Resources Available!

Effective: August 9, 2022

In continued efforts to provide the best customer service and support, we have developed new Job Aids to assist Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) navigating the MPF Program. The Job Aids provide detailed instructions on common tasks when selling and servicing MPF loans.

The Job Aids are located under the ‘Resources’ tab of the MPF Website (fhlbmpf.com) and are organized into the following areas of focus:

  • Custody
  • Servicing, Default Management
  • eMPF® Website
  • Fannie Mae
  • General

The Job Aids webpage will continue to evolve based on feedback received from PFIs. Click here to review the Job Aids webpage.

Is there a Job Aid you can’t locate on a specific topic? Submit an idea for a future Job Aid through our MPF Program Excellence online form.

Please contact the MPF Service Center by phone (877-345-2673) or email (MPF-Help@fhlbc.com) if you have any questions or concerns.


Contact Us

MPF Service Center

(877) 345-2673